The Cali School of Music offers Study Abroad and Exchange Programs at a growing number of universities and conservatories, including the University of Music and Performing Arts (Graz, Austria), Liszt Ferenc Academy (Budapest, Hungary), University of Agder (Kristiansand, Norway) and Milan Conservatory (Italy). These programs offer a wonderful variety of experiences designed to immerse you in a foreign culture. These programs place you directly into European university programs, unlike other study abroad programs designed especially for American students. You are encouraged to learn the language, to be an active part of the community, and experience your host country in the fullest possible way.
Cali School International Committee Contact Information
The committee members work with the Office of International Engagement staff to build and maintain relationships with our study abroad institutions, advise and recommend Cali School students to specific programs, and take an active role in faculty and performance-related exchanges. While you should feel free to contact any committee member, you may want to direct your questions to those overseeing the programs that interest you.
- Prof. David Witten
Milan: Conservatorio Verdi; Kristiansand, Norway: University of Agder - Prof. Lori McCann, Chair
Graz, Austria: University of Music and Performing Arts - Prof. Jeffrey Gall
Graz, Austria: University of Music and Performing Arts - Prof. Marissa Silverman
(Music Education Students)
For a complete overview of Study Abroad opportunities for Montclair State students: explore programs.
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